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Possession is a durational artwork by visual artist and spatial designer Jeffrey Choy that explores the complexities of ownership and the societal constructions of value. Through a satirical horror story, the work exposes the absurdity of the capitalist system, where the ownership of property serves as a means of accumulating wealth, while the majority of people are left struggling to afford a place to live. The artwork invites the viewer to consider their own perceptions of possession and the ways in which societal norms prioritise the accumulation of wealth over basic human needs.


The exhibit consists of a series of installations that use a variety of mediums such as found objects, sculpture, lighting design and durational performance, to create an hilariously unsettling experience that immerses the viewer in a surreal world where many lives are ‘possessed’ by others. It encourages reflection on the ways in which the societal constructions of value and ownership manifest in our everyday lives and how they shape our understanding of the world around us by critiquing the ways in which the ownership of property perpetuates the societal divide between the haves and have-nots. 


The installation questions the idea that the accumulation of wealth and property is necessary for personal fulfilment, and exposes the ways in which the capitalist system prioritises the interests of the ruling class over the basic needs and rights of the majority. The artwork invites the viewer to consider the implications of this societal structure and the ways in which it oppresses marginalised communities and perpetuates inequality. Through this work, the artists aim to provoke reflection on how the concept of possession and ownership are used to justify the unequal distribution of resources and power in society.

This artwork is supported by The Heritage Lottery National Community Fund, The Lottery Community National Heritage Fund, The Lottery Heritage Community National Fund, The Community Heritage Lottery Fund National, The National Community Heritage Lottery Fund, The Community National Lottery Heritage Fund, and last but not least, The Heritage Community National Lottery Fund*



The artwork 'Possession' in the preceding text is not a real exhibition. It is a conceptual artwork that serves as an elaborated April Fools' joke and a commentary on the contemporary art world. Through the use of edited AI-generated text and images, the artwork examines the ephemeral nature of installation, durational, and theatre art and the overwhelming expectation for these forms of art to be documented and preserved.


The emphasis on documentation in the contemporary art industry often prioritises certain artworks over others, leading to a disconnect between the artwork and the audience and perpetuating inequality within the art world. Possession serves as a provocation to question the assumptions and expectations of contemporary art and its role in addressing societal issues. It invites viewers to consider the ways in which the pressure to document and preserve artworks can lead to a disconnect between the artwork and the audience and perpetuates inequality within the art world where more ‘photogenic’ artworks are more deserving of funding and recognition.

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